Sport & Nutritional Supplements - since 2002

Category: Enduro Riding

Enduro Riding

For Enduro riding: What to use, when and how: If racing Motocross, then click here We recommend the following for Enduro Riding: A. Race Performance/Long Weekend Rides EnduraShake EnduraPower  GT Gel (+GT Gel flask/2-stroke bottle) Jooblets or Joobies Souties PaceLyte …

The IMPI !!!

Riding the IMPI ! Race Performance/Long Weekend Rides • EnduraShake • EnduraPower • GT Gel (+GT Gel pocket bottle aka 2-stroke bottle) • Joobies • Souties • PaceLyte (Optional – only if you’re a chronic cramper or are a heavy athlete …

FAQ: Can I use ONLY Joobies / Jooblets for a long event?(Such as Comrades/Enduro riding/Argus/MTB/Trail etc)

FAQ: Q: Can I use ONLY Joobies/Jooblets for a long event? (Such as Enduro riding/Comrades/Epic/MTB/Trail etc) A: No – you shouldn’t use Joobies on their own for an event longer than 20-30 minutes. Joobies/Jooblets are high Gi, and if used …

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