Sport & Nutritional Supplements
FAQ: Can I use ONLY Joobies / Jooblets for a long event?(Such as Comrades/Enduro riding/Argus/MTB/Trail etc)

FAQ: Can I use ONLY Joobies / Jooblets for a long event?(Such as Comrades/Enduro riding/Argus/MTB/Trail etc)

Q: Can I use ONLY Joobies/Jooblets for a long event? (Such as Enduro riding/Comrades/Epic/MTB/Trail etc)
A: No – you shouldn’t use Joobies on their own for an event longer than 20-30 minutes. Joobies/Jooblets are high Gi, and if used on their own, they will play havoc with your blood sugar. Note, that if used on their own, one Joobie (or 6-7 Jooblets) will give you ONLY 20 minutes of high heart-rate racing!
For this reason, (for long events), Joobies/Jooblets should only be used TOGETHER WITH EnduraShake AND GT Gel or EnduraPower.
EnduraShake and GT Gel/EnduraPower will keep your blood sugar levels ROCK SOLID, which means that you can then use Joobies/Jooblets any time, for a massive boost, without experiencing blood sugar dips.
That is why you need the solid LOW GI foundation of EnduraShake and GT Gel and/or EnduraPower for long events.
We also recommended that you use Souties for stable blood sugar (and extra kalahari+ Himalayan salt).
If you follow our recommendations, you will have an amazing, SAFE performance…and feel great!
So how/when do I use Joobies/ Jooblets (1 Joobie = 6-7 Jooblets)

  1. Sulking! If you’re having an “off” day/moment…(or a sense-of-humour ‘failure’), eat a Joobie (or 6-7 Jooblets) – You’ll feel better within minutes!
  2. Hills – If you know the profile of the route, select your worst hills and munch on a Joobie (or 6-7 Jooblets), 3 minutes before you hit that hill.
  3. Sprints – Eat a Joobie before you sprint. (One Joobie will last you about 20 minutes of high heart-rate work).
  4. Eat a Joobie if your blood sugar has dropped.
  5. Cramping? Eat two Joobies immediately. JOOBIES CONTAIN ELECTROLYTES! Remember to continue hydrating correctly.
  6. If you’re making technical mistakes, then eat a Joobie
  7. Strong, fast finish – Eat one Joobie 20-30 minutes before the end.

Comrades, running, Enduros, MTB, cycling, 2 Oceans, Ultra Marathon running,

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