Sport & Nutritional Supplements - since 2002

Category: YOUR Sport

Enduro Riding

For Enduro riding: What to use, when and how: If racing Motocross, then click here We recommend the following for Enduro Riding: A. Race Performance/Long Weekend Rides EnduraShake EnduraPower  GT Gel (+GT Gel flask/2-stroke bottle) Jooblets or Joobies Souties PaceLyte …

The IMPI !!!

Riding the IMPI ! Race Performance/Long Weekend Rides • EnduraShake • EnduraPower • GT Gel (+GT Gel pocket bottle aka 2-stroke bottle) • Joobies • Souties • PaceLyte (Optional – only if you’re a chronic cramper or are a heavy athlete …

Two Oceans Nutrition Summary!

Two Oceans Nutrition Strategy

Nutrition/Carboloader: 3 days before:

1 scoop EnduraShake in 200mls water (size of a tea cup) at 10h00, 15h00 and before bed. (Continue eating your normal meals)

Food = Breakfast Before: 2 scoops EnduraShake in 400ml water, 45 minutes before the start.

Food during at ~35kms = 2 Options:

Option 1: Drink ONE scoop in 200 of EnduraShake at ~35kms (Add >200mls water to the ziplock bag and drink from the bag

Option 2: Eat Souties at ~35kms. Eat one or 2 packets of Souties according to personal preference


First 10kms: Mix 500-750mls EnduraPower (1 scoop for a person weighing close to ~50kgs; 1.5 scoops for a person weighing close to ~75kgs; 2 scoops for ~100kgs+). Mix in a bottle that you’re happy to toss.

From 10kms – 46kms:

Run with 2 pocket bottles: Fill each pocket to the 75ml mark or a tiny bit more (if you are heavy > 90kgs). Top up the rest of the bottle with water.

Sip on the 1st pocket bottle filled with GT Gel from 10kms to 30kms

Sip on the 2nd pocket bottle filled with GT Gel from 30kms to 50kms

Take your time – with small sips intermittently. Continue to drink water throughout:

Hydrate with water only according to bodyweight. (Recommended: 8ml-10mls/kg bodyweight/hr – this may vary widely. Note: 8mls if cool and rainy, 10mls if very hot – Read more below). Important as GT Gel contains significant sodium and magnesium bis glycinate.

Finish off the event with a Joobie at 50kms


Eat one Joobie about 4 minutes before the worst hill,

Eat one Joobie about 30 minutes from the end

Keep one spare Joobie for just in case you sulk!


Eat Souties ANYTIME when you feel for something savoury and salty, when you’re tired of all the sweet stuff. Nice when you feel for real food in your tummy! Great for sorting out cramping

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