MCT oil is a must if you’re on a low carb or ketogenic diet to lose weight, but are feeling flat as a result!
MCTs will give you energy to train without putting on weight. AND will help you feel fuller!
In addition, MCT oil has a number of bonuses:
1. Better brain and memory function especially in the elderly and kids
2. Feeling of fullness especially on low carb diets
3. Lowered “bad” cholesterol
4. Better blood sugar levels for type 2 Diabetics
5. Supports heart health
6. Supports digestion and nutrient absorption
7. Has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties
Souties…Tell me more…!
Souties…. for LONG tiring events…or days…. Great for cramping! Slow-release energy (cassava root) Vegan Protein MCT oil for endurance SAVOURY not sweet! YAY!!!! Kalahari salt and himalayan salt A CONVENIENT tasty snack for anytime in the day or event… SOUTIES! …