Sport & Nutritional Supplements - since 2002

Category: Cut Fat: Videos


Show up! Soups and hydration for a healthy immune system Fat-Less for the nom-nom-noms (and more noms) What is in Fat-Less? A blend of healthy herbs and extracts that will help you to lose weight (fat): Garcinia Cambogia Natural appetite suppressant …

FAQ: Nom-nom-nom! Why can’t I stop eating???

Much more munch…!!…The why behind the Nom-nom-nom!

  1. It’s there!!!… And readily available to munch on. Clear the junk out the house/ office drawer
  2. Stress or procrastination… How many times have you opened the fridge today during that deadline…?
  3. Sleep – Not getting enough makes ghrelin (your hunger hormone increase) as well an increase in cortisol
  4. Thirst.. Sometimes you’re actually thirsty, not hungry…
  5. Blood sugar issues and/or gut flora imbalances
  6. Over estimating how hard we’ve trained… big reward for little effort!

TRY FAT-LESS for LESS CHOMPING and LESS-FAT…Scroll down for more info on Fat-Less….

What is in Fat-Less?

A blend of healthy herbs and extracts that will help you to lose weight (fat):

  1. Garcinia Cambogia

    • Natural appetite suppressant

    • Digestive aid.

  1. L-Tyrosine Amino Acid

    • Supports a healthy thyroid

  1. Cinnamon Bark Extract

    • Helps regulate blood sugar

    • Helps prevent insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and obesity.

  1. Green Coffee Bean Extract

    • Increases metabolism

    • Speeds up the body’s ability to burn fat.

    • Improves insulin sensitivity.

  1. Cayenne Pepper Extract

    • Speeds up your metabolism

    • Helps burn kilojoules

    • Curbs appetite.

  1. Piper Nigrum Extract

    • Blocks creation of new fat cells.

    • Enhances the absorption of nutrients from the intestine.

  1. Chromium

    • Insulin potentiator

    • Helps stabilise blood sugar

Fat-Less is safe, effective and HEALTHY!

How to use Fat-Less:

4 capsules in the morning before breakfast

4 capsules at midday before lunch.

(Fat-Less does not need to be taken at a specific time before your meals)

Recommended, but not required: Take Fat-Less for 5 consecutive days, followed by 2 days break.


For best results, use Fat-Less together with LeanPlex.

LeanPlex is our low GI, low carbohydrate protein shake.

FAQ: Do I need to exercise to lose weight?

We can help YOU: On our website, we have suggested super-easy meal plans for you to follow and healthy food-shakes to help you feel fuller!
LeanPlex = a DELICIOUS low-kilojoule meal shake to help you get lean and stay lean! Just add water…
FatLess = a blend of herbs and extracts to support your weightloss goals.

Want to Lose weight? ?? Don’t go “on a diet”…

Want to Lose weight? ?? Don’t go “on a diet”.. Going “on a diet” = means that at some point, you’ll need to go “off a diet”
Take a look at the lifestyle meal plans on our website. SUPER Easy to do!
And use LeanPlex and/or Whey Power with Fat-less to help you reach your goals
Meal Plans to Cut Fat
Tips to Cut Fat

Is 10-15 minutes of Exercise enough to Lose Weight? (fat)

QUESTION: Is 10-15 minutes of exercise enough to lose weight?
We can help you! On our website, we have suggested super-easy meal plans for you to follow and healthy food-shakes to help you feel fuller!
LeanPlex = a DELICIOUS low-kilojoule meal shake to help you get lean and stay lean! Just add water!
FatLess = a blend of herbs and extracts to support your weight/fat-loss goals.

Foodie Strategy Tips to Lose the Lard

Foodie Strategy Tips to Lose the Lard
1) Diet  versus lifestyle
2) Need versus want
3) Pantry protocol
4) Protein + Carb + Fat
5) Liquids
6) Weightiness of weighing
7) Yes to all – but keep it small
8) Straight back on the horse
9) Two’s company
10) Consistent
#FatLess #MCTOil #WheyPower #PaceLyte

LeanPlex…for DELICIOUS Weight-loss!

LeanPlex – a tasty low-kilojoule meal shake to help you get lean and stay lean!
High-quality PROTEIN blend. Low carb, low GI carb. Healthy fat.
Sustaining – Helping to Stabilise blood sugar, keeping you feeling fuller throughout the day,
Less hunger. Less cravings for junk!
L-glutamine for recovery from exercise.
NO Aspartame. NO stimulants.
For delicious tastiness, just add water! Anywhere. Anytime.
Difference between LeanPlex and Whey Power
Difference between LeanPlex, Whey Power and EnduraShake
Success partners: LeanPlex and Fat-Less
Some of our LIFESTYLE Meal Plans to help you cut fat:
Meal Replacement with LeanPlex and Fat-Less
Intermittent fasting with LeanPlex and Fat-Less
Click here to Exercise in a TINY space at Home:
We deliver countrywide! (Not just local)

10 QUICK tips to lose fat!

Listen to our 10 QUICK tips to lose fat!
Suggested goodies to help you:
Whey Power
Some of our Meal Plans to help you:
Meal Replacement with LeanPlex and Fat-Less
Intermittent fasting with Whey Power, MCT Oil and Pacelyte
Intermittent fasting with LeanPlex and Fat-Less
Low Carb, Keto with Whey Power, MCT Oil and Pacelyte
Click here to Exercise in a TINY space at Home:
Place your order online
Remember we deliver countrywide! (Not just local) ??

Fat-Less for LESS Fat!

What’s in Fat-Less?
A bunch of goodies (not “badies”!) that help you lose fat ? AND be healthy ? by assisting with the following:
• stabilising and regulating blood sugar
• reducing cravings
• supporting thyroid health
• balancing cholesterol
• providing antioxidants
• lowering blood pressure
• enhancing feelings of fullness
• supporting the absorption of nutrients from the gut

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