Sport & Nutritional Supplements

A long hike in the heat… What do I use?

Question: I’m hiking 250 over 10 days in the heat (36 to 39 degrees). I do have a back pack for hydration and I need to be able to snack during the day – What can I use?

1) For your backpack: Use EnduraPower and on alternating days, use the GT Gel with the pocket bottle. If you swap/alternate between the 2 formulas, you’ll feel refreshed and not “blegh” because of bored taste buds!
More on EnduraPower
GT Gel and pocket bottle:  How to use
Put water only in your hydration pack and take little sips of the GT Gel throughout the whole day from the little pocket bottle. You should get a whole day out of the pocket bottle (a runner/cyclist would get 3 hours)
2) To snack throughout the day, I suggest the Souties
What are these?
The Souties are a complete little meal in one biscuit – Each little biscuit contains (vegan) protein, potato (cassava root) and MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides). It is a high salt (savoury) snack, containing Kalahari and Himalayan salt. Souties are great if you like to nibble on REAL food, particularly if you’re craving savoury foods, which often happens in the second half of an event. Souties are also really good for stabilising blood sugar and/or for settling a queasy tummy. Souties do not contain preservatives or colourants!
3) You could also use Joobies: These are great for a bit of a “lift”, especially toward the end of a long day.
4) Lastly, if the food on offer is not great, then use a serving of EnduraShake in the morning – this will last you most of the day in terms of food…On an intense hike, you could also take it at lunchtime.



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