Sport & Nutritional Supplements
FAQ: Low Blood Pressure

FAQ: Low Blood Pressure

FAQ: The fitter I get, the lower my blood pressure becomes – I often get dizzy, especially when I stand up. Which of your supplements can you recommend to assist me?
After a check-up with your physician and getting the go-ahead from them, we recommend the following:
1) PaceLyte: An electrolyte only formula. Add one teaspoon of PaceLyte into the bottle of water that you drink throughout the day. If you have a heavy session planned for the next day, you can also drink a teaspoon of PaceLyte last thing at night.
2) EnduraPower: Use this formula containing ample electrolytes (including Kalahari Salt and magnesium bis-glycinate) in your daily training sessions. We recommend hydrating according to bodyweight, your choice of sport and the sport’s intensity. This is especially important when doing high heart-rate or long weekend sessions.
3) For a HEALTHY, salty miniature snack at the office, eat one or two Souties – contains both Kalahari and Himalayan salts. Made from cassava root (an African yam), vegan protein and MCT oil. (MCT = for energy, not fat-storage). No preservatives, colourants etc. Good food. Packaged in two’s for convenience.
4) For maximal DAILY recovery, especially after intense sessions, use Whey Power: You can take it on its own with just water, or you can it to oats/muesli or to a smoothie. Whey Power in water will not put on weight, but assists with recovery. Contains BCAA’s (7500mg per one scoop) and L-Glutamine (6000mg per one scoop). 28g protein in one scoop.
For long weekend sessions, use EnduraShake as usual, together with EnduraPower OR GT Gel or PaceLyte.
NOTE: As with anything relating to your body, please check with your doctor first. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.

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