Sport & Nutritional Supplements
Whey Power Recipes!

Whey Power Recipes!

Here are some SUPER-SIMPLE ideas for blending your delicious Whey Power!  All done with chilled water or crushed ice.
Note: Adding our Pace & Power Collagen Peptides to your daily smoothie is a GREAT idea for lowering overall inflammation and for healing connective tissue –  chronic or acute injuries. Especially good for over-used, tired and creaky joints. (Wonderful for the elderly too!)
1) Freezochino:
1 Scoop Whey Power
1 Espresso that has cooled
Blend with ice
2) Mango-tango:
1 Scoop Whey Power
1 Cup of mango chunks
Half cup of orange
Blend with ice!
3) Lemon Meringue:
1 Scoop Whey Power
Fresh lemon juice
Blend with ice
4) Peanut Butter Power:
1 Scoop Whey Power
1 Large spoon peanut butter
1 Small spoon raw honey(optional)
Pinch of Himalayan or Kalahari Salt (Optional)
Blend with ice
5) Cinnabon Bliss:
1 Scoop Whey Power
1-2 Tablespoons almond butter
1 Banana
1 Spoon of raw honey
Sprinkle of cinnamon
Vanilla essence
Blend with ice
6) Chocolate Cha-Cha:
1 Scoop Whey Power
1 Tablespoon raw cocoa or a few rows of Lindt 90% or 95%
1 Spoon raw honey(Optional)
Blend with ice
(Optional: Add small amount peanut butter)
Pinch of Himalayan or Kalahari Salt
Blend with ice
7) Minimal Mint:
1 Scoop Whey Power
2-3 Sprigs of mint
Blend with ice
8) Other very SIMPLE, no fuss ideas:
Blend 1 Scoop Whey Power and ice with any type of fruit: Banana, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries
And of course any combination of fruits or nut butters together with 1`scoop Whey Power blended with ice.
For example:
Banana and peanut butter
Strawberry and almond butter (plus cocoa)
Blend with ice
NOTE: If you prefer a THICK, rich texture (as pure whey protein is always thin), then include AVO in your blend.
AVO!!! AND Whey Power blended together form a rich and creamy “pudding” that can form the base for any of the above combinations.
You won’t taste the avo as it always assumes the more dominant flavour. For example…
9) My personal favourite:
1 Avo
1 Scoop Whey Power
1 Tablespoon raw cocoa or a few rows of Lindt 90% or 95%
Pinch of Himalayan or Kalahari Salt
(Optional: 1 Spoon of raw honey or a few dates)
For variation: 1 Teaspoon Peanut Butter
Blend with ice
Absolutely, ridiculously YUMMY!

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