Sport & Nutritional Supplements - since 2002

11 Reasons to enjoy the little decanting GT Gel bottle (as opposed to the old sachet idea)

11 Reasons to enjoy the little decanting GT Gel bottle (as opposed to the old sachet idea)

  1. You have control over how much you’d like to use and when. One hour’s worth of cycling/MTB/swimming running is not exactly the same as the next  hour. So you can pace your consumption based the route.
  2. Small sips intermittently from the gel bottle (as opposed to one full sachet at time for one hour) has several advantages:
    – Ensures a very even uptake of both energy and electrolytes
    – Ensures much more even blood sugar levels
    No (or very little) risk of nausea (that often happens after having a full sachet)
    – Little sips of water, along with little sips of GT gel makes for a lowered risk of dehydration and cramping.
    (Note the sodium levels in GT Gel are significant so as to prevent hyponatraemia/over-hydration)
  3. You can add a little bit of water to the bottle to make it super-runny.
  4. There is no wasting of precious gel caught in the folds of the sachet: With the decanting bottle, you can add water to it, give it a quick shake and drink the remaining contents in the bottle.
  5. Refillable.
  6. Hygienic! YOU get to wash (and handle) your own bottle – as opposed to sachets being handled by countless hands in shops/transport/support teams etc.
  7. The bottle is small – so it can fit snugly into your shorts/tights/top/running belt/sports-bra/crop-top. Easy to whip out, swig and put back.
  8. No seams or sharp edges that can poke into your skin.
  9. No sticky fingers or sticky sachets in your pockets.
  10. No litter!
  11. No aluminum lining inside the gel bottle. Sachets have an aluminum lining that can leach into the gel as it lies in it for months. (Aluminum has been associated with Alzheimer’s)

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