Sport & Nutritional Supplements
Meal Plan for Hard Gainers (Ectomorphs)

Meal Plan for Hard Gainers (Ectomorphs)

Suggested Meal Plan for Hard Gainers (for Rugby, Hockey, Soccer etc).

  • Oats/Muesli: Add 1-2 scoops of EnduraShake to a large bowl of oats made with cream or full-cream milk, include a handful of nuts (or use muesli instead of oats)


  • Fruit Smoothie: Add 1-2 scoops of EnduraShake to a large fruit smoothie made with cream or full-cream milk, include a handful of nuts


  • 2 eggs on 4-6 slices of toast, plus full avo; oats with nuts and yoghurt


  • Add 1-2 scoops of EnduraShake to water or milk
  • BIG handful of (any) nuts/large spoon of peanut butter
  • 2 fruits

Cook double quantity of food for supper the night before, and pack half of it into lunch-box for the next day

  • 1 large portion of chicken, or lean red meat, or fish (Portion = size of your fist)
  • 2-3 potatoes, or large portion of white or brown rice, beans, lentils
  • Veggies or salad – as many different colours as possible
  • Generous helping of olive oil – pour over rice/potato, beans, lentils and veggies. (Use coconut oil for cooking, olive oil for cold dressings)


  • Add 1-2 scoops of EnduraShake to water or milk
  • BIG handful of (any) nuts/large spoon of peanut butter
  • 2 fruits


  • 2 Portions chicken, lean red meat, or fish
  • 2 Large Portions – potatoes/rice/lentils
  • Large portion vegetables in season or salad
  • Olive oil or coconut oil

Late Night Snack:

  • 1 scoop EnduraShake with full cream milk or water:
  • Add in some muesli, a few large handfuls of nuts/large spoons of peanut butter and honey

General Comments:

  • Drink EnduraPower during your all your training sessions: Drink 1.5 scoops EnduraPower in 750mls water per hour, or eat a Joobie / handful of Jooblets
  • Add one teaspoon of L-glutamine to your EnduraPower for recovery.
  • Optional: Add one teaspoon Creatine Monohydrate to your EnduraPower.
  • You can also drink EnduraPower during the day instead of the unhealthy sugared soft drinks
  • Training: 3 x max per week. Keep your workouts short: 30-40 minutes. Lift heavy (but warm up properly first!) If possible, limit your cardio (or drink EnduraPower throughout to prevent an energy deficit)
  • Keep a balance in your diet: Protein, carbs and fat.
  • Get 8 hours sleep per night minimum.
  • Restrict alcohol. Don’t smoke.
  • Always eat on time or have your EnduraShake.
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