Sport & Nutritional Supplements
Meal Plan – Lose Weight!

Meal Plan – Lose Weight!

Suggested Meal Plan to Cut Bodyfat: LeanPlex with (Optional) Fat-Less. EASY-PEASY!

With LeanPlex and Fat-Less

Around breakfast time: 4 x Fat-Less (Optional)


  • One serving (2 scoops) of LeanPlex in ~300mls water.


  • One small bowl of unflavoured oats, add raw honey for sweetness, include some protein in this meal by adding one scoop of LeanPlex to your oats; or by eating one whole egg.


  • One serving (2 scoops) of LeanPlex in ~300mls water or a handful of nuts

  • Optional: 1 Fruit

Around Lunchtime: 4 x Fat-Less (Optional)

Lunch: A balance of protein, ‘earth’ carbs and healthy fats

  • One portion (about size of your palm) of protein: chicken, lean red meat (steak, beef) or fish (salmon or other fatty fish are best)

  • One small portion of starch: potato or sweet potato, brown rice or butternut / pumpkin / squashes etc.

  • One very large portion of steamed or raw, or close-to-raw veggies, or salad, or one very large leafy-green smoothie.

  • One generous helping of extra virgin (cold pressed) olive, coconut or flaxseed oil or a small handful of nuts or an avo

(Best is to cook double quantity night before, chop up for easy eating during a busy day).


  • One serving (2 scoops) of LeanPlex in ~300mls water.

  • Optional: 1 Fruit

Supper: A balance of protein, ‘earth’ carbs and healthy fats

  • One portion protein (the size of your palm) of grilled chicken or lean red meat or fish

  • A very large portion of green leafy veggies with healthy fats: Use extra virgin olive or flaxseed oil (cold pressed) for cold foods/salads, and extra virgin coconut oil for hot foods/cooking/sauteing.

  • Optional: Tiny portion starchy carbs (from the earth). Sweet potato, potato, butternut, squash, brown rice. (Always limit man-made starches – such as pasta or bread)