Sport & Nutritional Supplements

Category: FAQ on Product

FAQ: Can I use ONLY Joobies / Jooblets for a long event?(Such as Comrades/Enduro riding/Argus/MTB/Trail etc)

FAQ: Q: Can I use ONLY Joobies/Jooblets for a long event? (Such as Enduro riding/Comrades/Epic/MTB/Trail etc) A: No – you shouldn’t use Joobies on their own for an event longer than 20-30 minutes. Joobies/Jooblets are high Gi, and if used …

FAQ: Can you explain how to load and use EnduraShake for an event?

FAQ: Can you explain how to load and use EnduraShake?
Nutrition-loading before an event: ENDURASHAKE
Starting 1 to 5 days before (Usually 3 days before should suffice, however nutrition-load for 5 days before the event if the event is very extreme for you)
Nutrition-load as follows:
1 x scoop in 200mls water at 10h00
1 x scoop in 200mls water at 15h00
1 x scoop in 200mls water before bedtime
In other words, 3 scoops in divided doses spread over the day for 3-5 days. We recommend the 3 scoops in divided doses, in-between your main meals (hence 10h00, 15h00 and before bedtime) so that you are able to keep eating your normal food/meals – In this way, there are no changes to your body’s digestive routine. So 3 scoops, 3 times per day at 10h00, 15h00 and before bed. Do this for 3-5 days before your event.

On the morning of the event: Drink 2 (TWO) scoops of EnduraShake in 400mls water, 45 minutes before the start. Drink 2 scoops every 3.5 hours during a long event. Take 2 scoops at the end for recovery. And if the event is very hard, take another 1 or 2 scoops before bed. (EnduraShake will not keep you awake)

Leading up to your event, it is recommended that drink a 750ml water bottle of EnduraPower over the day for the 3 days before to load your body with electrolytes, including magnesium bis-glycinate, Kalahari salt and others, as well as extra carbohydrates.
In addition/ alternatively, if you know that the event is going to be extreme, you can use PaceLyte a few days before to top up your electrolytes to obliterate any risk of cramping.

Remember to never use EnduraShake on its own: Using EnduraShake without EnduraPower or GT Gel is like running with one shoe off, or forgetting to fill up your car with petrol before going on a long trip.
EnduraShake  + EnduraPower or GT Gel are designed to work together! Do your hard training justice by using them together.

FAQ: I only want to buy EnduraShake for my event – Is this ok?

FAQ: How to use the GT Gel and the decanting bottle – MTB, road cycling, trail or road running

FAQ: How do I use the GT Gel with the decanting bottle (pocket bottle) for MTB or road cycling, trail or road running PS: (If you’re an Enduro Rider (Roof of Africa/ Romanics /Impi etc), go here for instructions). With …

FAQ: Which one of your products have BCAAs? Or do I have to buy that in addition to my protein powder?

FAQ: Which one of your products have BCAAs? Or do I have to buy that in addition to my protein powder? A: Our Whey Power contains 7500mg of BCAAs per one scoop! So if you purchase Whey Power, then you …

FAQ: Why Whey Power?

Why Whey Power?
1. Protein = 28 grams per scoop! 6000 mg L-Glutamine per scoop! 7500 mg BCAA’s per scoop!
2. Derived directly from milk NOT cheese, so not processed endlessly: All the immune-boosting qualities of the whey remain intact!

3. NO added carb
4. Only 620kJ (150 Cal) per serving
5. MCT’s (Medium Chain Triglycerides) added for energy
6. Very low lactose. Super-easy on the gut
7. NO stimulants
8. From grass-fed cattle
9. GMO free
10. Is suitable for (lacto) vegetarians
11. Mixes easily in plain water
12. And of course, like ALL our products, it simply tastes delicious! IN WATER!
We deliver countrywide!
Whey Power Recipes!

#WheyPower #PureGoodness #AddToYourSmoothie #AddToOats #ProteinBoost #StraightAfterExercise #LoseWeight #VeryLowLactose #HighGlutamine #BCAAs #RecoverFast #PaceAndPower #CleanLabel #GMOfree #WheyFromGrassFedCows #WheyFromMilkNotCheese #ImmuneBoosting #WeAreOpen #WeDeliverCountrywide

FAQ: Why GT Gel?

Why GT Gel????
1) A blend of carbs for stable energy. No spikes/downers.
2) High electrolytes for performance and preventing dehydration!
3) MAGNESIUM bis Glycinate. Easily absorbed, prevents cramping. Very gentle on the gut.
4) BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids) to prevent muscle breakdown and/or soreness over distance training.
5) Green Tea for immune protection.
6) Soft, liquid texture.
7) Very light flavour – ELDERBERRY! No after taste
8) Contains NO sodium benzoate! (This has been linked to Cirrhosis of the liver, Parkinson’s and asthma).

Remember that we deliver countrywide!

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