Sport & Nutritional Supplements



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Nutrition/Carboloader: 1-3 days before – depending on the length and difficulty of the event
1 scoop EnduraShake in 200mls water at 10h00, 15h00 and before bed. (Continue eating your normal meals)
Before the Start: 1-2 scoops EnduraShake in 200ml-400ml water, 45 minutes before the start, depending on the length and difficulty of the event:
1 scoop of EnduraShake (in 200ml water) will give you 2.5 – 3 hours of race-walking, without getting hungry, or having any fluctuations in blood sugar.
2 scoops of EnduraShake (in 400ml water) will give you 4 – 5 hours of race-walking, without getting hungry, or having any fluctuations in blood sugar.
During a long racewalking event, every 4 – 4.5 hours, drink 2 scoops EnduraShake in 400ml water.
Recovery food after: 1-2 scoops EnduraShake in 400ml afterwards. If it is a multi-day event, then drink 1- 2 scoops again before bed.

  1. EnduraPower (high electrolytes, blend of stable carbs) Powder to mix in water for your in your hydration pack. (Neutral Quench tastes like water; Lemonade VERY light flavour).
  2. GT Gel (high electrolytes, blend of stable carbs). This allows you to put JUST water in your hydration pack!! A BIG winner! BLAND, easy to swallow. Fill the  little decanting bottle (110mls) with GT Gel and this will give you ~3-5 to 4 hours of racewalking!
  3. PaceLyte (high electrolytes, minuscule carb) in your hydration pack: If you feel that you don’t need (much) carbohydrate for your event, use PaceLyte instead of EnduraPower. PaceLyte contains a negligible amount of carb (~2.5g in one teaspoon). PaceLyte = High electrolytes; the tiny amount of carb per teaspoon (2.5g) is  D-Ribose! Add 1-2 teaspoons to your hydration pack.

Give yourself VARIETY on long racewalking events!

You don’t have to choose one single option of the 3 above: You can switch between the 3 options: For example, you might wish to do the first half of the event on EnduraPower and then switch to GT Gel with ONLY WATER in your hydration pack for the second half! This is a WINNER! Just about everyone loves the taste of JUST water on long events.
PaceLyte is wonderful if you want basically want only electrolytes. NO flavour, no colourants. Absolutely refreshing in the mouth! I LOVE this formula!
Whichever option above you choose, remember to hydrate correctly, as all 3 of the above options are high in electrolytes – They are designed for competing African heat! High in sodium (Kalahari Salt) and magnesium bis glycinate.
It has been suggested that you hydrate according to bodyweight.
For racewalking, recommended is 6ml-9ml/kg bodyweight/hr – this may vary according to personal preference (and sport/ amibient temperature /humidity etc).
(The sodium content of all 3 formulas significantly reduces risk of hyponatremia)
Joobies: For extra fast energy and/or electrolytes, munch on a Joobie as needed. Joobies stop cramps FAST. Great for hills… and… fixes sulking!
Souties: For REAL food – a welcome SALTY snack, munch on a Soutie… ANYTIME during the event. Slow, sustaining energy with MCT’s for prolonged performance and cassava root (African yam) for slow, steady carbs. Souties contain Kalahari Salt and Himalayan Salt – Rich in trace minerals. Wonderful change from all the sweet stuff! Souties are a delicious savoury snack!
Recovery food after: 2 scoops EnduraShake in 400ml afterwards, and 2 scoops again before bed. EnduraShake has no stimulants or artificial colours. It will not keep you awake at night.
11 Reasons to enjoy the little decanting GT Gel bottle (as opposed to the old sachet idea)
Sore joints – knees/hips? Use our Pace & Power Collagen! Fantastic stuff for connective tissue.

Discovery Jacaranda FM Spring Walk, 27km for Freedom, Safari Half Marathon, BDS Road Race, Township Marathon,Gerald Fox Memorial Race with G. Fox, Wanderers Road Race, AGN Race Walking Grand Prix, Tuks Racewalking track