MCT oil is a must if you’re on a low carb or ketogenic diet to lose weight, but are feeling flat as a result!
MCTs will give you energy to train without putting on weight. AND will help you feel fuller!
In addition, MCT oil has a number of bonuses:
1. Better brain and memory function especially in the elderly and kids
2. Feeling of fullness especially on low carb diets
3. Lowered “bad” cholesterol
4. Better blood sugar levels for type 2 Diabetics
5. Supports heart health
6. Supports digestion and nutrient absorption
7. Has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties
FAQ: Why Whey Power?
Why Whey Power?
1. Protein = 28 grams per scoop! 6000 mg L-Glutamine per scoop! 7500 mg BCAA’s per scoop!
2. Derived directly from milk NOT cheese, so not processed endlessly: All the immune-boosting qualities of the whey remain intact!
4. Only 620kJ (150 Cal) per serving
5. MCT’s (Medium Chain Triglycerides) added for energy
6. Very low lactose. Super-easy on the gut
7. NO stimulants
8. From grass-fed cattle
9. GMO free
10. Is suitable for (lacto) vegetarians
11. Mixes easily in plain water
12. And of course, like ALL our products, it simply tastes delicious! IN WATER!
We deliver countrywide!
Whey Power Recipes!
#WheyPower #PureGoodness #AddToYourSmoothie #AddToOats #ProteinBoost #StraightAfterExercise #LoseWeight #VeryLowLactose #HighGlutamine #BCAAs #RecoverFast #PaceAndPower #CleanLabel #GMOfree #WheyFromGrassFedCows #WheyFromMilkNotCheese #ImmuneBoosting #WeAreOpen #WeDeliverCountrywide
Suggested Meal Plan: Keto; Low Carb
Suggested Meal Plan: Keto; Low Carb Morning exercise session: Drink PaceLyte. Add one teaspoon PaceLyte to your waterbottle and sip intermittently throughout your session. Breakfast: Keto Coffee – Black coffee with a teaspoon of Pace & Power MCT Oil* 2 …
Lock down your weight in Lockdown.
Lock down your weight in lockdown. If you’re like me and most “normal” people, then you’re probably having to practise a little social distancing from the fridge… We’re all ‘silk-worming’ our way through goodies that we don’t (physically) need during …
10 of the BEST tips to lose fat!
10 of the BEST tips to lose fat! In addition to your green leafy vegetables, salads and fruit, eat some starchy carbs…not loads, but do eat some! Choose starchy carbs from the earth: Sweet potato, peas, brown rice, pumpkin etc …
FAQ: Although I’m training hard, I’m still not losing weight. What can you recommend?
FAQ: Although I’m training hard, I’m still not losing weight! What can you recommend? A: One of the keys to losing weight (body fat) is to increase your resting metabolism. This is dictated by your muscle percentage (muscle tone). I …
Keto and Low Carb Foods – Great Choices!
Protein: Whey Power Meat: Red meat, steak, bacon, chicken and turkey Fish: Salmon, trout, tuna and mackerel. Whole Eggs (Free range) Vegetables: Most vegetables are low in carbs. Leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables have particularly low levels, and the majority …
Lose Weight: Low Carb and Keto – Whey Power, PaceLyte and MCT Oil
Lose Weight: Low Carb and Keto A couple of things to note before we get started: For convenience I have combined “low carb” and “keto” diets into the same article. Although there are similarities, these are different diets, and within …
Lose Weight on holiday? Yes! Some (easy) things to take with…
BEACH time? December in sunny AFRICA: The perfect time for fitness fun! PS: For online training anywhere, anytime…Go to: Easy things to take with on your holidays… Running/Walking/Hiking shoes/Cross Trainers Kettlebells and/or Club Bells (Training with kettlebells on the …