Sport & Nutritional Supplements


Supplements for Ballet…Dancing…Theatre:
Whey Power
A complete protein, containing the entire spectrum of amino acids for daily recovery. Includes 6000mg of L-glutamine and 7500mg BCAAs. Immune boosting. Extremely low kilojoules. If taken in water straight after ballet, Whey Power will not put on weight, but will make a massive difference to recovery and immunity. Protein only. No added carbs.
One amino acid for daily recovery. (Not necessary if using Whey Power).
LeanPlex plus Fat-less (Fat-Less Optional)
For daily recovery, but great to stabilise blood sugar if you’re needing to be slimmer. Very low kilojoules. Complete meal. Fat-Less will help support your fat-loss goals.
For concerned parents who feel their child/teenager should pick up weight: Take 1 scoop in 200mls water daily before and after each session.
For exhausted dancers, who need some carbohydrate and electrolytes for performance. Mix in water and drink before, during and after high-intensity/long sessions. You can adjust the dose down, if you prefer and top up with PaceLyte (electrolytes only)
For electrolytes WITHOUT any significant carb. (Only D-ribose for explosive jumps = 2g). Take one teaspoon in water only, sip before, during and after each session.
A TINY mini-meal to be had before or after training. Small amount of very low Gi carb, vegan protein, and MCT’s (a.k.a the “fat-less fat” – providing energy, but not stored as body fat). Souties are full of trace mineral salts. Great for dancers who have low blood pressure. Very sustaining!
For connective tissue niggles – acute injuries or chronic over-use injuries – mangled toes and feet, hips etc. 9000mgs per dose.
Difference between Whey Power and LeanPlex?
Good food choices
Meal Plan1
Meal Plan 2
Meal Plan 3

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